
Celebrate return to training with 50% off Jets gear


Members and supporters can celebrate the official start of the Jets pre-season with 50% off all 2011/12 Jets merchandise.

Members and supporters can celebrate the official start of the Jets pre-season with 50% off all 2011/12 Jets merchandise.

Everything is on sale including jackets, hoodies, home and away strips, many kids items and accessories.

Be quick as there are limited numbers and sizes in all stock. To take advantage of these incredible discounts, Members and supporters can visit the Hunter Sports Superstore at Hunter Stadium or buy online at www.newcastlejets.com.au

Hunter Sports Superstore
Hunter Stadium
294 Turton Road
New Lambton NSW 2305
Ph: 02 4941 8280

Trading Hours:
Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm
Saturday, 9am – 12pm

Jets Members: Click here to log in and make your purchase.

Non-Members: Click here to make your purchase.