
CLINIC: We’re headed to Pelican next Wednesday!


Newcastle Jets players and staff will appear in Pelican next week for the fourth and final ‘Jets: Play’ Clinic to be held throughout the Hyundai A-League 2015/16 season.

On Wednesday 30 March, Newcastle Jets will hold a 90-minute Clinic for up to 180 kids aged between six and 12 at Belmont Swansea Junior Soccer Club located at Aitcheson Reserve, Lakeview Parade, Pelican. The Clinic will run from 5:00pm to 6:30pm.

Each ‘Jets: Play’ clinic will include an introduction to Jets players, coaching activities and games, the opportunity for autographs and photographs, plus a free sausage sizzle and goody bag.

The Clinic is FREE and open to anyone interested in attending, however registration online prior to the Clinic is required. Each child will require a separate registration.

Please click here to register now for the club’s final ‘Jets: Play’ Clinic of the 2015/16 season.

‘Jets: Play’ is an initiative by the Newcastle Jets alongside its Major Community Partner, the Greater Building Society.

Previous ‘Jets: Play’ Clinics have been held through Hyundai A-League season 11 in Nelson Bay, Metford and Adamstown.