
Jets drop-in on John Hunter Children’s Hospital Christmas Party


The entire Newcastle Jets playing squad and coaching staff attended the John Hunter Children’s Hospital Christmas Party on Thursday as part of the Club’s Jet Well Community program supported by Slater and Gordon Lawyers.

The Jets made their way through a number of wards within the Children’s Hospital, handing out gifts, signing autographs and posing for photos as they endeavoured to put smiles on the faces of sick kids.

Newcastle Jets captain Kew Jaliens said the visit was an enjoyable one for the players, coaching staff and patients alike.

“We’ve had a tough start to the season on the pitch, but being able to visit the Children’s Hospital today has certainly put things in perspective and reminded us how lucky we are to play football for a living,” Jaliens said.

“Hopefully through our visit we were able to spread some joy and bring the young patients and their families some happiness this Christmas.”

Following the visit, Slater and Gordon’s NSW General Manager Stuart Barnett announced the firm was proudly supporting John Hunter Children’s Hospital by providing funding for a new piece of medical equipment – a portable diagnostic set for outpatients.   

“We are thrilled to be throwing our support behind the John Hunter to help it continue to carry out its important work,” he said.

“In our line of work we sadly see many clients spend time there while their child recovers from a serious incident.

“That is why we are also supporting the Jets’ upcoming hospital visitation program that will see several players spend time with children who are overcoming illness or injury.”